The songs “Gud, se til oss her” and “In God’s safe hand” have been added to the songbook Ways of the Lord – Additions.
“Gud, se til oss her” was written by Maja Ådalen in 2006, and Torleif Bratlie composed a melody for it in 2021. The song is a powerful prayer to God. It is a prayer asking God to stay near, to give us strength and wisdom, and to keep our hearts humble so that we can trust his ways. She asks God to light up our hearts for his sake and to instil in us a fear of going against his perfect will. The song is full of gratitude towards God for everything that he has given, but also for all that he takes.
“In God’s safe hand” was written by Connie Christensen in 2013 while she was suffering from terminal cancer. The song is based on verses from Psalms 23 and Philippians 4, which helped and comforted Connie in her difficult circumstances. She held fast to God’s word, and through faith, she was able to remain at peace. The melody is written by Jacob Eisenberg and Dag Helge Bernhardsen, and it perfectly fits the theme of the song.
Both of the songs touch on the theme of having a firm trust in God’s full control – even in your trials and tribulations, to long for him, for his wisdom and grace in your situations. We don’t have to be buried down in thoughts of discouragement, worry, or ingratitude when we are faced with life’s struggles and hardships, because “We know that God works all things together for good for the ones who love God, for those who are called according to his purpose”, Romans 8:28.
To access these songs, you must first purchase the book: “Ways of the Lord – Additions”
Purchase the book here