The song “I menigheten, mitt trygge hjem” has been added to Ways of the Lord – Additions. It was written by Sverre L. Riksfjord, who also wrote song number 412 in Ways of the Lord: “Faith in Jesus fills us with the Spirit’s might”. The melody was composed with group singing in mind.
The message in this powerful new song speaks for itself, it is a song that truly has substance. Sverre L. Riksfjord deserves a heartfelt “thank you” for his whole-hearted devotion, service and love for all the people around the globe who want to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. We believe that this song, which came from his hand and spirit, will live on to become a great help for many.
Leter du og søker” has been added to Almond Blossom – Additions. It was written by Berit Hustad Nilsen and composed by Gjermund C. Frivold in 2007. The song is about having a hunger for strength, help and peace, and finding it in God. God has said that he will feed those who hunger and that he will give you everything you need if you seek his kingdom first (Matt. 5:3-6 and Matt. 6:33-34). The chorus entreats the listener to listen for Jesus’ voice, for he is calling out to you. If you are willing to give up your own will and let Jesus in, you can become his disciple.