Two new contributor biographies have been added to SongTreasures.
The biographies about Helene Hansen (1895-1986) and Edwin Bekkevold (1893-1970) are now available in the SongTreasures mobile and web app.
Helene Hansen has written five songs in Ways of the Lord, all of which are rich in content and have strengthened many throughout the years. She was musically talented and often helped her brother Thorleif Hansen find fitting melodies for his songs.
Helene was no stranger to hardship, but in her trials, she held fast to her faith in God. In the chorus of her song “We’ve a hope in our hearts” (WOTL nr. 99) she describes with tremendous hope her vision of heaven:
“No more bonds bind us there,
No more sorrow or care,
In our dwelling with God evermore.
All the battles and strife
And the thorns of this life
We’ll forget there at home with the Lord.”
Edwin Bekkevold was a God-fearing man who wrote 29 songs in Ways of the Lord, and two in Almond Blossom. Bringing people towards God was his calling, and he did this diligently – he was an evangelist and a shepherd.
Bekkevold’s wife said, at his 70th birthday feast, that he was a good man and a friend of the lowly. This goodness and willingness to help people find God can clearly be seen in his song “Fetch the lost one from the world a feast for him prepare” (WOTL nr. 135):
“Pray to God in simple faith, and seek a father’s mind.
Be a shepherd – merciful and kind.
Gird your loins up, and upon your
shoulders burdens bind. Bring them in,
bring them into the fold, my friend!”