
Almond Blossom - Additions

Additional songs for Almond Blossom.

“Almond Blossom” had its last revision in 2004. Since then many suggestions have been received.
This is a small selection of many collected contributions since the previous edition. It has been in practice since the songbooks exist and we gradually work with the various contributions. This usually happens in a close cooperation with the authors. Often a song was released and time went by – up to a few years – before it started to be used. Therefore this separate collection exists where we post several selected proposals – as a space where these songs can be “tried outs”. This can be both refreshing and exciting for the many who are interested in song and music. We would like to receive feedback on these songs.

The songs in this selection will be published continuously – one at a time or occasionally several. Everyone who subscribes to the newsletters will receive emails surrounding this exciting material.